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Archive for the ‘Bristol barbers’ Category

Predictions for 2021 men’s hair and grooming trends in Bristol

Friday, December 18th, 2020

With a New Year looming, it’s time for the team at Franco’s Barbering Lounge to offer our predictions for 2021 men’s hair and grooming trends in Bristol. One of the things our Gloucester Road barbering team has noticed during 2020 is that with Covid-19, the connection between a barber and client has actually increased during […]

2020 Round-Up from the best Bristol barbers on Gloucester Road

Friday, December 11th, 2020

                      With so many changes for everyone this year, we thought it would be useful as we’re in December to do a 2020 round-up from the best Bristol barbers on Gloucester Road, to highlight some of the positive things from this year. There’s been a […]

NEW online shop for men’s hairstyling and male grooming products in Bristol

Friday, December 4th, 2020

                      We’re really pleased to announce that our new online shop for ordering the best men’s hairstyling and male grooming products in Bristol is now live. Clients can now get hold of all the usual best-selling men’s hairstyling products and male grooming products, including global […]

Client transformation at our Covid-safe Gloucester Road Bristol barbers

Friday, October 16th, 2020

We had an amazing client visit recently, and wanted to share the transformation he experienced at our Covid-safe Gloucester Road Bristol barbers.                       The client, pictured above, had grown his first ever beard over an 18-week period during lockdown, and didn’t know where to go […]

The difference between a good barber and a great barber in Bristol

Friday, October 16th, 2020

It’s been a fantastic Autumn so far at Franco’s Barbering Lounge, and we had a client recently ask us what’s the difference between a good barber and a great barber in Bristol. We decided to turn our responses into a blog post.                       The first […]

What are the benefits of a men’s haircut in Bristol every 4 weeks?

Sunday, September 20th, 2020

One of the most common questions our Gloucester Road barbering team get asked by clients is what are the benefits of a men’s haircut in Bristol every 4 weeks, and the example below clearly highlights why it’s a good idea.                       You might not think […]

Hairstyle trends for men in Bristol post-lockdown

Monday, August 17th, 2020

Clients visiting Franco’s Barbering Lounge recently have been asking what are the hairstyle trends for men in Bristol post-lockdown, and we’ve seen a clear winner.                       Longer hairstyling for men has become the firm favourite post-lockdown, as the example above highlights from a client visit […]

Looking for a post-lockdown men’s haircut in Bristol? Read this!

Saturday, August 8th, 2020

If you’re looking for a post-lockdown men’s haircut in Bristol, we recommend that you read this before making a booking anywhere else. Our leading Bristol barber salon on Gloucester Road has the most stringent safety measures in place, and has been super-busy since lifting of lockdown, whilst maintaining social distancing requirements for all staff and […]

Is your Bristol barber Covid-safe?

Monday, July 13th, 2020

Following recent Government guidelines provided in a 42-page document, we wanted to ask the simple question: Is your Bristol barber Covid-safe? We’ve had awesome feedback from our clients since re-opening recently, and thought it would be useful to provide a full run-down of our increased safety measures in-salon, so clients old and new have complete […]

French Crop Haircut for Men – our Gloucester Road men’s salon choice for July

Monday, June 8th, 2020

As Franco’s Barbering Lounge prepares to re-open on 04th July, in line with current government and Public Health England guidelines, the French Crop Haircut for Men could well become our Gloucester Road men’s salon choice for July when Bristol barbers are due to be safely able to service clients.             […]

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